Robin Lyons 和 Dr. Elena Klevsky

Strategies for Avoiding Burnout

15 August 2023

Chronic workplace stress can lead to burnout, which poses a significant risk to the mental health of busy professionals, such as auditors. But how can these professionals protect themselves from burnout? And how can their employers help them do so? If you are interested in learning the answers to these questions, then watch as ISACA’s Robin Lyons 和 Dr. Elena Klevsky, Assistant Professor of Accounting at the University of Tampa, discuss strategies for avoiding burnout.

Inspired by the Sustainable Model of Human Energy proposed by Ryan Quinn, Gretchen Spreitzer 和 Chak Fu Lam, these strategies focus on managing your personal energy by increasing resources, decreasing job dem和s, practicing skills 和 tasks, 和 monitoring energy.

Properly implementing these strategies has the potential to help busy professionals ensure that they have sufficient resources to meet their job dem和s, 和, 因此, increase the likelihood that they feel energized instead of exhausted.