
Zanele Njapha
作者: ISACA现在
发表日期: 2022年6月22日

编者按: Zanele Njapha, an international transitions facilitator and future of work speaker who helps companies navigate organizational changes and step confidently into the new world of work, 将在 ISACA非洲会议2022,定于7月20日至21日举行. Njapha recently visited with ISACA现在 to discuss her quirky nickname, 她对创业和组织变革的看法, 和更多的. 以下是经过编辑的谈话实录:

ISACA现在: 你有个有趣的昵称 《澳门赌场官方软件》——你是怎么得到这个名字的?

When I started working to support organizations’ transition into new ways of working, 我的定位是“忘却专家”.” So, helping teams let go of outdated ways of seeing, doing and being.

In 2020, I continued with this positioning, but I rebranded my look and cut my hair. This impacted my brand slightly, as all my branding still displayed me with a big afro. 变更后, clients were somewhat confused if it was still me and began saying they wanted the “unlearning lady with the big hair.”

After assuring them that it was still me, I picked that name up and never looked back.


When I was 8 years old, my mother turned my sister and I into little entrepreneurs. 我们卖薯片和糖果给我们学校的其他学生.

可悲的是, 在兑现的时候我总是缺钱, as I would consistently dig into my stock during snack times and didn’t understand how the money management all worked.

从那时起, I’ve started a range of businesses and deeply believe in the power of entrepreneurship to support and boost the global economy, but also bring hope to millions of previously disadvantaged homes.

ISACA现在: Have advancements in the emerging tech landscape in recent years made entrepreneurship more accessible, 更复杂的, 或两个?

我认为两者都有. 两者都得到了显著的增压. You look at how quickly the average person can register a business compared with just five years ago – it’s extremely exciting.

It points to infrastructure and an environment where entrepreneurs are excited to start, 测试, 成长和失败. 所有这些都是成为澳门赌场官方下载主的关键部分.


  1. 关于可访问性, 是的, 数字技术的进步让创业变得更容易, 但这意味着我们已经意识到我们所需要的技术是多么的少. 以前, you’d need to dedicate an entire room to just your desktop computer (that at first we didn’t believe we needed to run a business). 可访问性也向我们展示了仅用智能手机, 我们可以注册, start and grow our enterprises with global partnerships and get access to various markets. 话虽如此, 虽然, we still have a significant chunk of our global population that could better position their informal businesses, 科技产品是否更容易获得. 我想这句话仍然很有意义,尤其是在一个不平等的世界里.
  1. On the part of complexity, I’d say tech has gotten complex just to make business simple. 流程, systems and tools have a pretty complex back end that allows the front-end user to have a simpler 和更多的 user-friendly journey through personalization and user-friendly specs. In my personal view, it’s never been more simple and complex to integrate tech into business. 这是我们这个时代令人兴奋的悖论!

ISACA现在: What are some of the common mistakes companies make when implementing big organizational changes?

  1. 他们很少 (如果有) 回忆 在一起

作为领导者, your team needs to know you also sometimes miss the way things used to be because, 诚实, 你做. I like to believe there is a thin line between missing or reminiscing with appreciation and longing for the past.

Teams often buy into the idea that their leaders are 100 percent sold on the change and have absolutely no attachment to the old way of being or doing. This is a lie and it’s important to demystify it by speaking 诚实 with them about what you miss about the way it used to be. 我建议以一种乐观的态度幽默地做这件事, 因为它很容易变质和怀旧.

  1. 他们不会告诉他们的团队 为什么.

为什么 这种改变对他们来说是最好的吗? Not for the company, but for their personal goals, visions and dreams.

When companies I work with are able to help their people link the organizational change to their own growth plans and dreams, 真正非凡的事情发生了.

个人能够在密集的变革背后团结起来, innovate and collaborate in unseen ways because they finally understand 为什么 the change will benefit their deepest desires and purpose beyond the profitability of the organization.

ISACA现在: How much progress do you think there has been in addressing some of the gender disparities in the tech workforce, and what needs to happen to make even greater strides going forward?

I believe there has been progress made – nowhere near enough, but definitely a great start. I love Sheryl Sandberg’s (Meta COO) quote, “One day there won’t be women leaders, just leaders.“不过,我认为我们还没有走到那一步.

One of the hindrances to this progress and what adds complexity to this conversation is that gender disparities and issues around this go far beyond the workplace and even tech itself. 这是社会和体制的问题. 如此如此, 那当我们年幼的孩子(男), 女, gender-neutral or nonbinary) come from a world and society that still restricts their capacity, 组织能做的只有这么多. 话虽如此, 虽然, there is certainly a role we can play in shifting those societal perspectives and norms.

Some great things I’ve seen clients and other organizations do are shifts like building an organizational culture that allows all talent to equally access resources and leadership opportunities and creating forums and platforms for conversations on how the company can support their gender-diverse talent in more personalized ways.

But a great place to start is always conversation and realizing that building inclusive work cultures and environments starts with listening to what our talent desires and deeply needs, 然后和他们共同创造, 这样他们就可以掌控这个议程, 支持它,看着它蓬勃发展.