
作者: Wanbil W. 李,DBA, FBCS, FHKCS, FHKIE, FIMA, 沃尔夫冈·赞克尔博士.D. 张永祥,CISM, CIPT, CISSP, DBA, FBCS
发表日期: 2024年3月12日

遵守数据隐私保护标准对网络专业人员来说至关重要. 在今天的技术驱动下, 信息集成环境, 由于新的社会技术风险来源,信息安全功能变得更加复杂. 使这种影响更加复杂的是,侵犯隐私在媒体报道中变得司空见惯, emphasizing the importance of data privacy protection to information security personnel.

However, the problem of data privacy is not unsolvable. 可以使用复合方法, 一种考虑有形的物质和财务条件以及针对逻辑漏洞的无形措施的方法, 道德违规, 以及社会可取性.


资料私隐(i).e., 信息隐私, 数据保护)是关于访问, 数据的使用和收集, 以及数据主体对数据的合法权利. 这是指:

  • 免受未经授权访问私人数据的自由
  • 不当使用数据
  • 通过技术收集关于一个人或几个人(包括组织)的数据时的准确性和完整性
  • Availability of data content, and the data subject’s legal right to access; ownership
  • The rights to inspect, update or correct these data

Data privacy is also concerned with the costs if data privacy is breached, and such costs include the so-called hard costs (e.g., 监管机构施加的经济处罚, 诉讼中的赔偿款(如不遵守合同原则)和软成本(如.g.、声誉受损、客户信任丧失).

Data privacy, trust and security are closely intertwined, as are law and ethics. 从伦理的角度看待隐私,可以帮助澳门赌场官方下载建立和完善其行为准则. 从道德的角度考虑隐私,并建立行为准则,使组织中的所有个人, 不仅仅是安保人员, 负责保护有价值的数据.

Data privacy, trust and security are closely intertwined, as are law and ethics.


Data privacy can be achieved through technical and social solutions. 技术解决方案包括保护数据免受未经授权或意外访问或丢失. 社交解决方案包括让客户对他们的数据是否被使用以及如何被使用产生可接受性和意识, and doing so in a transparent and confidential way. Employees must commit to complying with organizational privacy rules, 组织应该指导员工如何积极避免可能损害隐私的活动.

仅次于技术和社会解决方案, 实现隐私的第三个要素是遵守数据保护法律法规, 这就产生了两个问题. The first concern is that legal regulation is slow and, 因此, unable to keep up with the rapid developments of information technology. Legal solutions are usually at least one step behind technological developments. 以电子方式保障资料私隐, 因此, 不仅要基于传统的管辖权, 但也有软法(如.e., self-binding policies such as existing data privacy principles). 软法可能比硬法更有效. 失望的客户的反应以及不遵守澳门赌场官方下载治理可能导致不公平竞争和/或对受影响的客户承担责任的事实通常比仅仅罚款或处罚更有效.

数据保护的第二个问题与许多法规没有在国际上协调一致有关, 在跨境基础上造成严重的并发症(特别是在欧盟和美国之间), which is the rule rather than the exception in modern business. To make data privacy rules work in a global environment, the principles outlined in this article consider US 标准 (e.g., the US Federal Trade Commission’s Fair Information Practice Principles [FIPPs]1),欧洲标准(e.g.数据保护指令95/46/EC2 and the 《澳门赌场官方软件》 [GDPR]3),亚洲法规(e.g., Hong Kong Personal Data 隐私 Ordinance [PDPO]4)和国际基准(e.g., 《澳门赌场官方下载》5).

《国际资料私隐原则 (IDPPs)6 方法考虑到亚洲人, 欧洲, US and international data protection 标准 and focuses on personal data, 也可以应用于澳门赌场官方下载数据. These principles suggest that the 3 parameters (payment, 同意, data category) should be balanced and combined with the previously mentioned, 亚洲, 欧洲, 美国和国际标准, 将它们放入一套隐私规则中. 符合国际资料私隐标准的机构应承诺遵守以下13项资料私隐计划:7

  1. Comply with national data protection or privacy law, 国家合同法, and other legal requirements or regulations relating to data privacy.
  2. 遵守当前的安全标准,以保护存储的个人数据免受非法或未经授权的访问或意外访问, 处理, 擦除, 丢失或使用.
  3. 实现易于察觉的, 可访问和可理解的隐私政策,包括谁负责数据隐私以及如何单独联系此人的信息, 为何及收集哪些个人资料, 如何使用这些数据, 谁会收到这些数据, 这些数据存储多长时间, and whether and which data will be deleted or rectified upon request.
  4. 指示员工遵守此类隐私政策,并避免在idpp方面允许或促进非法或未经授权访问的活动.
  5. 不得使用或泄露任何客户数据(统计分析和客户身份匿名除外), 除非公司依法有义务这样做或客户同意这样使用或流通.
  6. Do not collect customer data if such collection is unnecessary or excessive.
  7. 以公平的方式使用或泄露客户资料,且仅用于与公司活动有关的目的.
  8. 不要将客户数据外包给第三方,除非他们也符合与这些idp相当的标准.
  9. Announce data breaches relating to sensitive data.
  10. Do not keep personal data for longer than necessary.
  11. 不要将个人数据转移到数据保护标准不充分或未知的国家,除非客户被告知这些标准不充分或未知,并同意这种转移.
  12. 在公司和客户之间的合同中,客户承诺支付服务或货物:
    • 如果发生数据泄露,应在合理的情况下尽快单独通知客户.
    • Inform the customer upon request about which specific data are stored, 并应要求删除此类数据,除非适用的法律或法规要求公司继续存储此类数据.
    • Do not use or divulge content-related personal data.
    • Do not use or divulge any other personal data without the customer’s explicit, 单独和个人同意.
    • 请勿存放, 使用或泄露任何客户资料, unless applicable laws or regulations require the company to continue storing such data.
  13. 在公司与顾客之间没有订立顾客承诺支付服务或货物的合同的情况下:
    • Inform the customer as soon as reasonably possible in the event of data breaches.
    • 应客户要求告知存储哪些类型的敏感数据,并在此类数据过期时应客户要求删除此类数据, unless applicable laws or regulations require the company to continue storing such data.
    • Do not use or divulge sensitive data without the customer’s explicit, 单独和个人同意.


Though cultural differences may make it challenging to define a stable, 隐私的普遍价值, broad consensus has been reached that privacy has intrinsic, 核心及社会价值. 当隐私被侵犯时,信任就会受到破坏, and security runs the risk of being diluted or lost altogether. 因此, 这是一种符合法律的隐私保护方式, 道德原则, and societal and environmental concerns is critical, despite the complexity of and difficulty in upholding data privacy.

Trust is the foundation of privacy and security preservation. A violation of privacy constitutes a risk, and 因此, a threat to security. Information protection is an essential information security function, 因此, strategies must be developed and implemented to ensure that data privacy policies, 标准, guidelines and processes are appropriately enhanced, 沟通并遵守, and that effective mitigation measures are implemented.


This is excerpted from an article that was published in the ISACA® 杂志. 阅读全文。”资料私隐保障的道德方法,在vol中. 6、2016年,的 ISACA杂志.


1 联邦隐私委员会,"《公平资讯实务原则》”,美国
2 EUR-Lex, 欧洲议会和理事会1995年10月24日第95/46/EC号指令,关于在处理个人数据方面保护个人和自由流动这些数据,欧盟
3 Gdpr-info.eu, 《澳门赌场官方软件》,欧盟
4 Office of the 隐私 Commissioner for Personal Data, 个人资料(私隐)条例,香港,2021年
5 Oecdprivacy.组织, 经合组织隐私原则, 2010
6 Zankl W.; 《国际资料私隐原则, presented at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, October 2014
7 同前.

Wanbil W. 李,DBA

是网络伦理的传道者吗. 他是计算机伦理协会的主席和创始人,也是Wanbil and Associates的负责人. 他在计算机领域有五十年的经验. He teaches information security and cyberethics to under- and postgraduate students, 他研究, 在这些领域提供咨询和出版. He has written more than 100 journal articles and conference papers.


Is a professor of private and comparative law at the University of Vienna (Austria). 他创立并经营欧洲电子商务和互联网法律中心,是计算机伦理协会的董事会成员.


现为香港大学法律及科技中心兼职副教授. 他的研究兴趣是技术对隐私、问责制和亚洲隐私法的影响.
